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Tearing your hair out....

Do you sometimes feel like doing this when you have totally reached your limit?

There are times that I feel so stressed that I hit a brick wall. Can you relate to this?

Reflexology is one of my releases. Giving clients a reflexology treatment provides them with a whole host of benefits, but it also helps me. As I deliver my treatments, this is my mindful moment as well as theirs. Focusing on

helping that client and being in tune to their breathing brings calm to the WHOLE room.

Reflexology is not only about easing the pain and tension of the body, but it also helps the mind too. It allows a client to reach a deep state of relaxation which in turn eases the anxieties and stresses of life, provides the client with a clearer head and allows them to come back to themselves and their breathing.

Ever just wanted to hit the pause button? Coming for a reflexology treatment allows you to do this. Even if it's just an hour out of your busy schedule, it gives your mind and body that chance to recharge....and....start again.

So, if you ever feel like you've hit a brick wall..try reflexology. It could help you bring those bricks at a time.

And remember...

Don't forget to breathe.

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